Редакция Новостей Mail представляет дайджест новостей об основных событиях в зоне СВО с 21 по 27 декабря на основе сводки Министерства обороны РФ.
The text is an error message from the VK social network.
The main conceptual idea is that there is an issue with the user's request/connection, likely due to too many requests from their browser, making VK believe they are under attack.
It suggests several possible causes:
* HTTP instead of HTTPS: The page is loaded insecurely.
* Cookies disabled: Cookies are necessary for proper website function.
* Incomplete data: The page didn't receive all necessary data.
Ultimately, it advises users to contact VK support for assistance.
The numbers "2127" and "2024" appear to be unrelated to the message and might be extraneous information.
The text is an error message from the VK social network. The main conceptual idea is that there is an issue with the user's request/connection, likely due to too many requests from their browser, making VK believe they are under attack. It suggests several possible causes: * HTTP instead of HTTPS: The page is loaded insecurely. * Cookies disabled: Cookies are necessary for proper website function. * Incomplete data: The page didn't receive all necessary data. Ultimately, it advises users to contact VK support for assistance. The numbers "2127" and "2024" appear to be unrelated to the message and might be extraneous information.